Thalia-Joan – Too Much

Show Dates:


Strap in for a wild ride as you witness the very questionable process this young woman has applied to life recently, in hoping it will assist in navigating this augmented state of reality she has found herself living in. Never feeling more disconnected in such a “connected world” she calls in her trusty guides, which -plot twist- is not who you, or, she thinks are as she embarks on a journey of shedding old skin and unvalued opinions through comedic relief because sometimes life just feels a little “too much”. There has been a wild party going on…inside her head and its time to shut it down, unpacking a complex childhood, insane dating life and airing all her dirty laundry the best way she knows, publicly on a stage, what other way is there? Follow the timeline of decadent disasters accumulating into one big ball of frazzle. Her family expected too much, society expects too much and recently a guy told her on a date that she is “too much”. The perfect blend of story telling, comedy and song, a multi faceted show that will leave you wondering “how does one woman have this many stories”. A life’s collection of cringe ready to be aired, after all comedy is cheaper than therapy. So sit back and relax as you watch the unfolding of many layers and who knows, maybe you will learn a little bit about yourself too or at least have some laughs at someone else’s expense.

Status: Closed